HR Excellence in Science

Botanical-entomological excursion at Vrbenské rybníky

Botanical-entomological excursion at Vrbenské rybníky
Place: Vrbenské ponds, České Budějovice
Date: 27.04.2024 09:00 - 12:00
Intended for: public

Botanical-entomological excursion led by experts from the Biology Centre of the CAS and the Nature and Landscape Protection Agency. The excursion is organized as part of the world's largest urban wildlife bioblitz CITY NATURE CHALLENGE. Join us and document wildlife in your neighbourhood!

With entomologist Ales Bezdek (BC CAS) we will observe butterflies, beetles living in old wood, dragonfly larvae and other aquatic insects.

Together with botanist Jitka Štěrbová (AOPK) we will explore the jungle between Mladohaklovský and Velký Vávrovský pond and maybe we will also find the carnivorous plant bladderwort.  

Suitable off-road footwear, the walk will also take place off paved roads.

The event takes place weather permitting on Saturday, April 27 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Meeting point here.




Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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