HR Excellence in Science
Date: 06.11.2024

Professor Tim Flannery is visiting České Budějovice

Professor Tim Flannery, a renowned scientist, climatologist and explorer, is coming to České Budějovice at the invitation of the Biology Centre of the CAS and the Faculty of Science of the USB. On 11 and 12 November, he will meet students and experts from both institutions and give two talks to which the general public is invited, too.

Tim Flannery is an Australian mammalogist, paleontologist, environmentalist, adventurer, explorer and science popularizer. He is the author of many award-winning books and scientific papers, and has discovered and described dozens of mammal species, both extant and extinct, including many kangaroos. For example, he was also involved in research on "polar dinosaurs" and one genus of dinosaur - Timimus - is named after him. He is a member of the World Wildlife Fund WWF and the Climate Council, an independent Australian organisation on climate science, impacts and solutions.

Professor Flannery has been honoured with the title of "Australian of the Year 2007". Today, he is a professor at Macquarie University and the Geneva Institute, and his main interest is the changes in the world's climate due to human civilisation. His articles on this topic are frequently cited in the world media.

Tim Flannery will give two talks in České Budějovice:

  • Monday, 11 November at 1 pm: Climate Change from a Scientific Perspective in 2024
  • Tuesday 12 November at 2pm: Mammals and zoogeography of New Guinea, the world's largest tropical island

The lectures will be held at the Faculty of Science, Building B, Room B2.




Biology Centre CAS
Branišovská 1160/31
370 05 České Budějovice
Data box: r84nds8


+420 387 775 111 (switchboard)
+420 387 775 051 (secretariat)
+420 778 468 552 (for media)

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