Hydrobiologists released new methodology of monitoring fish communities in reservoirs and lakes20. 10. 2022 In October, researchers of the Institute of Hydrobiology, Biology Centre CAS published a new methodology concerning fish populations in lakes and reservoirs. The book is available online.
How many ants live in the world? And are all the ants as heavy as the humankind?14. 10. 2022 A recent study in the prestigious American journal PNAS by Schultheiss and colleagues has refined estimates of how many ants live in the world and how much they weigh. It estimated that they are...
New mountains, new insects - speciation of mayflies in the Caucasus Mountains follows mountain uplift23. 9. 2022 The loss of biodiversity and species extinction are well-known phenomena of today. However, biodiversity is not only disappearing today but also emerging. This process was demonstrated by...
Biology Centre will strengthen plant research5. 9. 2022 A research centre of excellence focused on the molecular life of plants will be established at the Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Thanks to a European grant in the ERA Chair...
Experts in cyanobacteria research in České Budějovice15. 8. 2022 An international meeting of experts working on cyanobacteria research is currently taking place in České Budějovice. More than 80 participants of the 22nd Symposium of the International Association...
Fossils revealed new information about feeding strategies of mayfly nymphs 250 millions yeas ag15. 8. 2022 Mayflies constitute a very ancient group of insects; fossils of their relatives can be hundreds of millions years old. Scientists from Biology Centre and Natural History Museum in Stuttgart studied...
The secrets of holocentric chromosome architecture and evolution4. 8. 2022 An international team including scientists from the Biology Centre in České Budějovice and Institute of Experimental Botany in Olomouc provided the first comprehensive insight into the genome...
How does a cell make decisions? Czech scientists will search for answers thanks to a prestigious European grant.20. 6. 2022 Molecular biologist Alena Zíková from the Institute of Parasitology, Biology Center CAS has received a prestigious European grant - ERC Consolidator. At the beginning of June, the European Research...
Nobel laureate Jean-Marie Lehn will visit České Budějovice13. 6. 2022 The French chemist Jean-Marie Lehn, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1987, accepted the invitation of the Director of the Biology Centre CAS (BC CAS), Libor Grubhoffer, and will visit...
EMBO fellowship: Spanish scientist extends the team targeting plant signaling3. 6. 2022 In June 2022, the team of the Laboratory of Molecular Signaling has received new member: Dr. Francisco J. Colina from Spain. For his research in the Czech Republic, Dr. Colina received a...