Mgr. Eliška Konopáčová
PhD Student
Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME)
Institute of Hydrobiology
+420 387 77 5886
I participate in 3-year project (2019-2021) focused on periphyton production and diversity in the three post-mining lakes Milada, Medard and Most, which were formed during the recultivation of the coal mines. My role in the team is to investigate periphyton functions in the nutrient cycling, with a special focus on the fate of phosphorus, which is the limiting nutrient in investigated lakes. I measure P-uptake by periphyton by radiolabelling (scintillation technique). Beside phosphorus cycling, I am also interested in periphyton pigment production (HPLC and multiwavelength fluorescence techniques) and its use for agal class estimation. Education: 2018 – present: PhD. study in Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Pardubice Topic: Role of periphyton community in post-mining oligotrophic lakes. Phosphorus cycling in oligotrophic lakes. 2015 – 2018, Master program: Bioanalysis, FCHT, University of Pardubice Topic: Biomarkers of oxidative stress applicable within evaluating ecotoxicity tests of nanoparticles on annelid Enchytraeus crypticus. 2012 – 2015, Bachelor program: Laboratory assistant FCHT, University of Pardubice Professional experiences: January 2019 – present, Employment at Institute of Hydrobiology, CAS, Topic of research: Role of periphyton community in post-mining oligotrophic lakes. Phosphorus cycling in oligotrophic lakes. November 2017 – 2019, Employment at Medila spol. s r. o., Laboratory assistant February – April 2017, Internship in histological laboratory, Department of Forensic Medicine, Hospital Pardubice a. s. August 2016, Internship in laboratory, Centrum of assisted reproduction Sanus, Pardubice May – June 2015, Internship in laboratories – biochemical, haematological and transfusion and microbiological department, Regional Hospital Jičín a. s. September 2014 – January 2015, Internship in research team, Institute of Physiology, CAS, Topic: In vitro monitoring of aortic muscle cells in dynamic system of defined parameters; simulation of conditions in a living organism. January – December 2012, Internship in research team, Institute of Experimental Botany, CAS, Topic: Study of beech seed dormancy. Grants and projects 2019-2021 GA ČR 19-05791S: “The effect of periphyton assemblages on productivity and phosphorus cycling in oligotrophic post-mining lakes” research team member Experiences abroad
January – June 2016 - Erasmus study program, University of Applied Science, Groningen, The Netherlands
January – March 2020 – Internship, University of Vienna, Austria, Supervisor: Michael Schagerl