Total found: 227 records |
Kopáček J. (1998) Semimikrostanovení chloridů ve vodách metodou s thiokyanatanem rtuťnatým (Semi-micro determination of chloride in water by mercuric thiocyanater method). In: Hucko, P. et al. (eds.), Hydrochémia ´98:pp. 89-96. Bratislava, 21.-22. 5. 1998, Pobočka SVHS ZSVTS. |
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J. (1998) Water chemistry of surface tributaries to the acidified mountain lakes in the Bohemian Forest. Silva Gabreta 2: |
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J. (1998) Rychlé semimikrostanovení veškerého fosforu v odpadních vodách (Semi-micro determination of total phosphorus in waste waters). In: Hucko, P. et al. (eds.), Hydrochémia ´98:pp. 78-88. Bratislava, 21.-22. 5. 1998, Pobočka SVHS ZSVTS. |
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Procházková L. (1998) Contribution of direct atmospheric deposition to nitrogen and phosphorus loads to reservoirs. International Review of Hydrobiology
83: 339-346.. |
Kopáček J., Hejzlar J., Stuchlík E., Fott J., Veselý J. (1998) Reversibility of acidification of mountain lakes after reduction in nitrogen and sulphur emissions in Central Europe. Limnology and Oceanography
43: 357-361.. |
Kopáček J., Veselý J., Hejzlar J. (1998) Bedrock and soil compositions: Crucial factors governing phosphorus input and trophic status of forest lakes in Bohemian Forest. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Geologica
42: 55-59.. |
Straškrábová V., Kopáček J., Procházková L., Vrba J. (1998) Die Versauerung der Seen im Böhmerwald, Ursachen, Trends und Folgen für die biologischen Prozesse und die Wasserqualität (Acidification of lakes in Bohemian Forest, causes, trends and consequencies for biological proceses and water quality) In: Geller, W. et al. (eds.), Ergänzungsheft zum Tagungsband des Gewässerschutz und Wassernutzung im Einzugsgebiet der Elbe, pp. 74-77. Karlovy Vary 20.-23. 10. 1998. B. G. Teubner. |