HR Excellence in Science

MSc. David Diez Méndez, Ph.D.

Pracovní zařazení Vědecký pracovník - Laboratoř multitrofických interakcí
Oddělení ekologie
Entomologický ústav

Kontaktní údaje +420 38 777 5031

Celkem nalezeno: 7 záznamů
Clemencin L., Barba E., Diez Méndez D. (2024) Research disturbance negatively impacts incubation behaviour of female great tits. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 78: article number: 99.
DOI: 10.1007/s00265-024-03514-y
Diez Méndez D., Cunningham S.J. (2024) Open-cup nesters in the Kalahari: Incubation and egg-shading behaviour in passerines cannot be detected with temperature dataloggers during hot periods. Journal of Arid Environments 222: article number: 105159.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2024.105159
Sivault E., Kollross J., Ré Jorge L., Finnie S., Diez Méndez D., Fernández-Garzón S., Maraia H., Lenc J., Libra M., Murakami M., Nakaji T., Nakamura M., Rachakonda S., Sam L., Abe T., Weiss M., Sam K. (2024) Insectivorous birds and bats outperform ants in the top-down regulation of arthropods across strata of a Japanese temperate forest. Journal of Animal Ecology Early View: DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14146
Diez Méndez D., Bodawatta K.H., Freiberga I., Klečková I., Jonsson K., Poulsen M., Sam K. (2023) Indirect maternal effects via nest microbiome composition drive gut colonization in altricial chicks. Molecular Ecology 32: 3657-3671.
DOI: 10.1111/mec.16959
Diez Méndez D., Cooper C.B., Sanz J.J., Verdejo J., Barba E. (2021) Deconstruction incubation behaviour in response to ambient temperature over different timescales. Journal of Avian Biology 52: article number: e02781.
DOI: 10.1111/jav.02781
Diez Méndez D., Sanz J. J., Barba E. (2021) Impacts of ambient temperature and clutch size on incubation behaviour onset in a female-only incubator songbird. Ibis 163: 1056-1071.
DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12937
Alambiaga I., Álvarez E., Diez Méndez D., Verdejo J., Barba E. (2020) “The tale of the three little tits”: Different nest building solutions under the same environmental pressures. Avian Biology Research 13: 49-56.
DOI: 10.1177/1758155920943116


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