HR Excellence in Science
Total found: 138 records
Dellacasa M., Dellacasa G., Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Aphodiini. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 98-155.
Kon M., Bezděk A. (2016) Passalidae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 52-53.
Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Glaresidae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, p. 58.
Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Aulonocneminae, Chironinae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, p. 166.
Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Ateuchini, Canthonini, Coprini. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 166-171.
Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Scarabaeini. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 204-207.
Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Dynamopodinae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 208-209.
Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Pachydemini. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 236-249.
Krell F., Bezděk A. (2016) Dynastinae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 358-367.
Nikodým M., Bezděk A. (2016) Glaphyridae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 87-97.
Nikolajev G., Bezděk A. (2016) Ochodaeidae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 84-85.
Nikolajev G., Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Geotrupidae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 33-52.
Pech P., Bezděk A. (2016) Ergatomorph wingless males in Technomyrmex vitiensis Mann, 1921 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research 53: 25-34.
DOI: 10.3897/jhr.53.8904
Pittino R., Bezděk A. (2016) Trogidae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 53-58.
Rakovič M., Král D., Bezděk A. (2016) Psammodiini. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 158-165.
Ziani S., Bezděk A. (2016) Onthophagini. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 180-204.
Zorn C., Bezděk A. (2016) Rutelinae. In: Löbl I. & Löbl D. (eds): Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 3. Scarabaeoidea – Scirtoidea – Dascilloidea – Buprestoidea – Byrrhoidea. Revised and updated edition. Brill: Leiden, Boston, pp. 317-358.
Bezděk A., Král D., Sládeček F. (2015) Oniticellus (Liatongus) boucomonti Balthasar, 1932 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Oniticellini) - clarification of its taxonomic status by lectotype designation. Zootaxa 3974: 145-147.
DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3974.1.13
Čížek L., Bezděk A. (2015) Doc. Ing. Karel Spitzer, CSc. – čestný člen České společnosti entomologické. Doc. Ing. Karel Spitzer, CSc. – honorary member of the Czech Entomological Society. Klapalekiana 51: 105-107.
Šálková T., Bezděk A., Březinová H., Farkašová K., Houfková P., Chvojka O., John J., Kmošek J., Koník P., Kovačiková L., Michálek J., Msallamová Š., Novák J., Pavelka J., Šuláková H., Bešta T., Myšková E., Weiter L., Zronek P. (2015) Bioarchaeological reconstruction of the funeral rite – case study based on organic material from the Hallstatt Period tumulus at the site Zahrádka (South Bohemia, Czech Republic). Památky Archeologické 106: 95-135.


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