HR Excellence in Science
Celkem nalezeno: 142 záznamů
Adamec L., Sirová D., Vrba J., Bárta J., Šantrůček J., Šimek K. (2015) Lovci, nebo zahradníci? Komplexní výzkum vodních masožravých bublinatek [Hunters or gardeners? A complex research of aquatic carnivorous bladderworts]. Živa 63: 286-288.
Grujčić V., Kasalický V., Šimek K. (2015) Prey-specific growth responses of freshwater flagellate communities induced by morphologicallly distinct bacteria from the genus Limnohabitans. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 81: 4993–5002 .
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00396-15
Weinbauer M.G. , Dolan J., Šimek K. (2015) A population of giant tailed virus-like particles associated with heterotrophic flagellates in a lake-type reservoir. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 76 : 111–116.
DOI: 10.3354/ame01769
Šimek K., Nedoma J., Znachor P., Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Horňák K., Seďa J. (2014) A finely tuned symphony of factors modulates the microbial food web of a freshwater reservoir in spring. Limnology and Oceanography 59: 1477–1492..
Eiler A., Drakare S., Bertilsson S., Pernthaler J., Peura S., Rofner C., Šimek K., Yang Y., Znachor P., Lindström E. (2013) Unveiling distribution patterns of freshwater phytoplankton by a next generation sequencing based approach. PLOS ONE 8: e53516..
Jezbera J., Jezberová J., Kasalický V., Šimek K., Hahn M. (2013) Patterns of Limnohabitans microdiversity across a large set of freshwater habitats as revealed by reverse line blot hybridization. PLOS ONE 8: e58527..
DOI: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058527
Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Hahn M., Šimek K. (2013) The diversity of the Limnohabitans genus, an important group of freshwater bacterioplankton, by characterization of 35 isolated strains. PLOS ONE 8: e58209..
Rulík M., Baudišová D., Růžička J., Šimek K. (2013) Mikrobiální ekologie vod [Aquatic mnicrobial ecology (textbook)]. In: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (Skripta) ISBN 978–80–244–3477–3 292 p.
Šimek K., Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Horňák K., Nedoma J., Hahn M., Bass D., Jost S., Boenigk J. (2013) Differential freshwater flagellate community response to bacterial food quality with a focus on Limnohabitans bacteria. ISME Journal 7: 1519–1530..
Hahn M., Scheuerl T., Jezberová J., Koll U., Jezbera J., Šimek K., Vannini C., Petroni G., Wu Q. (2012) The passive yet successful way of planktonic life: genomic and experimental analysis of the ecology of a free-living Polynucleobaster population. PLOS ONE 7: e32772..
DOI: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0032772
Jezbera J., Jezberová J., Koll U., Horňák K., Šimek K., Hahn M. (2012) Contrasting trends in distribution of four major planktonic betaproteobacterial groups along a pH gradient of epilimnia of 72 freshwater habitats. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 81: 467–479..
DOI: DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01372.x
Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Hahn M., Jezberová J., Hejzlar J., Šimek K. (2012) Ecology of planktonic freshwater bacteria of the Limnohabitans genus (Betaproteobacteria). In: Zborník príspevkov XVI. Konferencia SLS a ČLS Od molekúl po ekosystémy, Jasná, June 25–29, 2012, ISBN 978–80–971056–0–0: pp. 59–62.
Zeng Y., Kasalický V., Šimek K., Koblížek M. (2012) Genome sequences of two freshwater betaproteobacterial isolates, Limnohabitans species strains Rim28 and Rim47, indicate their capabilities as both photoautotrophs and ammonia oxidizers. Journal of Bacteriology 194: 6302-6303..
Znachor P., Šimek K., Nedoma J. (2012) Bacterial colonization of the freshwater planktonic diatom Fragilaria crotonensis. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 66: 87–94..
Šimek K., Comerma M., García J., Nedoma J., Marcé R., Armengol J. (2011) The effect of river water circulation on the distribution and functioning of reservoir microbial communities as determined by a relative distance approach. Ecosystems 14: 1-14..
Šimek K., Kasalický V., Zapomělová E., Horňák K. (2011) Alga-derived substrates select for distinct Betaproteobacterial lineages and contribute to niche separation in Limnohabitans strains. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 7307-7315..
Weinbauer M., Bonilla-Findji O., Chan A., Dolan J., Short S., Šimek K., Wilhelm S., Suttle C. (2011) Synechococcus growth in the ocean may depend on the lysis of heterotrophic bacteria. Journal of Plankton Research 33: 1465-1476..
Blom J., Horňák K., Šimek K., Pernthaler J. (2010) Aggregate formation in a freshwater bacterial strain induced by growth state and conspecific chemical cues. Environmental Microbiology 12: 2486–2495..
Hahn M., Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Brandt U., Jezberová J., Šimek K. (2010) Limnohabitans curvus gen. nov. sp. nov., a planktonic bacterium isolated from freshwater lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60: 1358–1365..
DOI: DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.013292-0
Hahn M., Kasalický V., Jezbera J., Brandt U., Šimek K. (2010) Limnohabitans australis sp. nov. isolated from a freshwater pond and emended description of the genus Limnohabitans. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60: 2946–2950..


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